I was looking for a new shoes and decided to buy one pair at Amble's booth.

There were a lot of pretty shoes but then I decided to buy Joanna Maroon. I love the classic design and the color also it's so comfy. Recommended!
There were so many sale bucket, my favorite is AntykButik's one. Inside it there are many necklaces, bracelets, etc. I decided to take one necklaces.
Bought this kinda robotic necklaces for only 50.000 rupiah. It reminds me of Gundam somehow.
Move to the Nikicio's booth. They have a sale bucket too! Only 200.000 rupiah each, crazy!!
Finally bought this jacket! The size is L but I don't mind I love wearing oversize jacket.
Anyway, there was this unique booth, The GoodGuysNeverWin. If you have a hobby collecting toys. This booth is perfect!
I also had fun in Universo's booth. You can take a picture with beach theme.
Last, I bought a box of Colette & Lola's cake. The booth was so crowded.

The cakes are so cute and yummy! Recommended!
So, that's it my shopping experience in Brightspot 10, looking forward to the next event!