Imaginary Friend

Blog berisi review makeup & skin care dan juga pengalaman traveling ke Jepang, Singapore, dll.

Hello Hello! Remember my post about VAMPS here. Like I said, finally they hold a concert in Jakarta last week. Yes, I was there. My makeup was done by Kanebo's MUA at Debenhams Senayan City. It was free, ehehe~
This was my very first time wearing makeup to attend the concert. I usually just put BB cream and powder that's it!

Anyway, the concert was hold at Lapangan Parkir Kolam Renang Senayan. The opening act by DJ Kaya, Pride and Pee Wee Gaskins.

Then suddenly the stage was filled with smokes. I was so excited, I thought VAMPS will show up. But until for about a half hours later they still did't showed up :(

Boring, sad, tired... me and my friends finally decided to take some pictures. I was so happy finally I can meet my friends from the old days ahaha~ :D

Then about at 09.35 pm VAMPS finally on the stage. YAY! It's time to jump and sing a long don't forget to fangirling HYDE.

Over all, I was so disappointed with the event. First is the opening stages for me and maybe for almost all of the visitors were like wasting times. The sound was bad, the sound check before VAMPS was so unprofessional, someone was tested the microphone while saying "check check" WTF! Also many people giving away the tickets, not only the festivals even VIP too! But I can't say negative things to VAMPS they are true entertainers. I suddenly forgot about all the shitty things about the concert while they're on the stage. HYDE was perfect as always~ KAZ was so kakkoii!

Ah I was so tired and I just stayed there until 10 pm. Only listened 4 songs of them :( 
I really hope if there will be the next Hyperwave Festival, all of the things become way better. 

Halo halo! Ingat postingan ku tentang VAMPS di sini. Seperti yang aku bilang, akhirnya mereka menggelar konser di Jakarta minggu lalu. Aku dateng ke konsernya. Aku di makeup-in sama MUA Kanebo di Debenhams Senayan City. Di-makeup-in gratisan ehehe~

Ini pertama kalinya aku memakai makeup ke konser. Biasanya aku cuma pake BB cream sama bedak aja.

Oia, konsernya waktu itu digelar di Lapangan parkir Kolam Renang Senayan. Pembukanya DJ Kaya, Pride dan Pee Wee Gaskins. Lalu tiba-tiba panggung dipenuhi dengan asap. Aku seneng banget pasti sebentar lagi VAMPS muncul deh di panggung. Tapi sampai  sekitar setengah jam kemudian mereka gak muncul juga :(

Boring, sedih, capek... akhirnya aku foto-foto sama temen- temen ku. Aku seneng juga bisa ketemu sama mereka lagi, temen jaman dulu ahaha~ :D

Kemudian sekitar pukul 21:35 VAMPS akhirnya di atas panggung. YAY! Waktunya untuk melompat dan bernyanyi jangan lupa fangirling HYDE .

Sebenernya aku kecewa sama acaranya. Pertama, mestinya gak perlu ada pembuka segala, buatku dan sebagian besar yang hadir pasti merasa buang-buang waktu. Sound-nya juga gak bagus, sound check sebelum VAMPS terkesan gak profesional, ada orang yang mengetes mikrofon sambil berkata " cek cek " di atas panggung, WTF! Juga banyak orang memberikan tiket secara gratis, gak tanggung-tanggung sambe VIP juga! Tapi hal-hal negatif ini gak berlaku untuk VAMPS, mereka benar-benar penghibur sejati. Tiba-tiba aku lupa tentang semua hal menyebalkanpas mereka di atas panggung. HYDE sempurna seperti biasa ~ KAZ keren banget!

Ah sayangnya, aku sangat capek dan hanya nonton sampai pukul 10 malam. Hanya mendengarkan 4 lagu dari mereka : (
Aku sangat berharap jika nanti akan ada Hyperwave Festival berikutnya, semoga acaranya jauh lebih baik.


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