Imaginary Friend

Blog berisi review makeup & skin care dan juga pengalaman traveling ke Jepang, Singapore, dll.

Who doesn't know Japan Softlens? A brand new circle lens online store from Bali which is really happening right now. They sell Japanese brand circle lens which claimed the most comfortable in ASIA. Anyway, I decided to bought AGEHA Midnight Black.

Lens description:
Name: AGEHA / Selection Models
Diameter : 14.5mm
Lens' Life Time : 6 month

Enlargement:  (8/10)
As you can see my left eyes looks bigger than the right one. I think the enlargement is pretty awesome. It said that the enlargement is 16.0mm while the diameter is 14.5mm.

Color :  (8/10)
The black color gives natural looking eyes. It doesn't look like you're wearing any lens.

Comfort:  (10/10)
I have to say that this is the most comfortable lens that I've tried ever! It's so thin. I don't even feel that I'm wearing any lens while wearing it. I usually wear it for about 8 hours without feel any dry at all.

Overall:  (9/10)
I think it's a bit pricey tho! But if you're looking for comfort then price won't bother. Anyway, there are a lot of type of it with many colors too. 

Japan Softlens | Jual Softlens Warna Nyaman Asli Jepang♡

Go visit their website!!

Siapa yang tidak kenal Jepang Softlens? Toko softlens baru di Bali yang benar-benarlagi jadi trend sekarang. Mereka menjual softlens bermerek dari Jepang yang diklaim paling nyaman se-ASIA. Nah, aku memutuskan untuk membeli Ageha Midnight Black.

Deskripsi Lensa:
Nama : Ageha / Seleksi Model
Diameter : 14.5mm
Lama pemakaian : 6 bulan

Efek besar: ( 8/10)
Menurutku efek besarnya cukup bagus. Dikemasannya ditulis pembesarannya 16.0mm sementara diameter aslinya 14.5mm .

Warna: ( 8/10)
Warna hitamnya memberikan kesan mata yang alami. Jadi tidak terlihat seperti memakai softlens.

♛ Kenyamanan: ( 10/10 )
Bisa dibilang softlens ini paling nyaman dari spftlens lain yang sudah aku coba! Softlensnya sangat tipis, jadi pas dipakai gak kerasa. Biasanya aku pakai selama sekitar 8 jam tanpa merasa kering sama sekali.

Keseluruhan : ( 9/10)
Menurutku harganya memang agak mahal dari softlens lainnya yang biasa kubeli, tapi kalau kamu mementingkan kenyamanan maka harga tidak akan jadi masalah. Oia, masih ada banyak jenis softlens dengan warna lainnya juga lho.

Japan Softlens | Jual Softlens Warna Nyaman Asli Jepang♡

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I personally tested every product and give my very honest opinion based on my personal experienced. I put additional disclaimer in each sponsored post.

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