♛ Packaging: (9/10)
Smart packaging, we don't have to pump the pipet. While you close the bottle it pumps by itself. Also love the black and silver color. It looks sophisticated.
♛ Texture & Scent: (8/10)
The texture is almost like other serum, a bit sticky. But when you apply on your face, you'll feel you're skin become smooth instantly. I also like the smell, I don't know how to describe it, something like soft and calming.
♛ Overall: (8/10)
To be honest, I was quite surprised with the result. I mean, I just use it for 2 days and can feel the effort. Now, it has been 1 month since I first try it. It does smoothen my skin.
Anti aging serum is a must for me, I'm 25 this year. I know I know I'm old :( So. to prevent wrinkles and sagging skin I need this serum. But I still don't decide to repurchase because it's so expensive. If you know any affordable anti aging serum, please let me know. Anyway, you can buy Lancome product at Sephora Indonesia online store.
Aku ikutan kuis di twitter Lancome Indonesia bulan lalu. Eh ternyata, aku menang! Hadiahnya Lancome Advance Génefique. Aku seneng banget menerima hadiahnya, bahkan diposting di instagram. Aku pakai ini tiap pagi dan malam. Berikut review-nya.
♛ Kemasan : ( 9/10)
Desain kemasannya oke banget, kita gak perlu tekan pipet lagi. Sementara botol ditutup, pipetnya keisi sendiri. Warna hitam dan silvernya juga aku suka. Kelihatan mahal.
♛ Tekstur & Scent : ( 8/10)
Teksturnya hampir sama seperti serum lain, sedikit lengket. Tapi pas dipakai di wajah langsung kerasa halus. Aku juga suka aromanya. Baunya lembut dan menenangkan.
♛ Keseluruhan : ( 8/10)
Jujur, aku cukup kaget dengan hasilnya. Maksudku, baru pakai selama 2 hari sudah bisa merasakan hasilnya. Sekarang, sudah 1 bulan sejak pertama kali mencobanya. Kulitku benar-benar terasa halus.
Anti aging serum itu suatu keharusan bagiku, tahun ini umurku jadi 25. AAA Aku tua :(
Jadi untuk mencegah keriput dan kulit yang mengendur aku butuh serum ini. Anyway, produk Lancome bisa kamu beli secara online di website Sephora Indonesia.
Last updated: 24 Februari 2017