Everyone seems like hating Monday, but I will make your day better with this post, hopefully. So, last month I was joining a beauty blogger gathering which was hold by Biokos & Caring Colours. Well, if you live in Indonesia you must have known these brands.
Biasanya banyak orang benci dengan sama Senin, tapi hari ini aku ada posting baru, semoga aja bisa bikin harimu jadi lebih baik. jadi, bulan lalu aku datang ke acara beauty blogger gathering yang diadain oleh Biokos & Caring Colours. Kalau kamu tinggal di Indonesia pastinya udah tau dong merk ini.
I've been using Caring Colours product since I was a teenager. I love the powder, both loose and the compact one. Anyway, the event was open by a speech from Rika Tanudjaya, Brand Manager Caring Colours Martha Tilaar.
Aku udah pakai produk dari Caring Colours dari jaman masih remaja. Aku suka bedaknya, yang loose dan compact. Nah, acaranya pertama-tama dibuka oleh pidato singkat dari Rika Tanudjaya, Brand Manager Caring Colours Martha Tilaar.
And guess what? There was a special appearance by Dr. Martha Tilaar. OMG! She's the founder of Martha Tilaar group. As you know, it's a cosmetics and herbal medicine brand from Indonesia. I was so happy to meet her and she's so lovely.
Terus coba tebak deh, tiba-tiba kita kedatangan Dr. Martha Tilaar. OMG! Beliau itu pendiri Martha Tilaar group. Kamu juga pasti tau kan itu merk kosmetik dan jamu di Indonesia. Aku seneng banget, udah gitu orangnya baik banget.
We also took some photos with her, of course I take a place right beside her LOL.
Kita juga foto-foto sama beliau. Aku langsung aja berdiri di sebelahnya LOL.
After that, there were some talk shows. The first was from Edwina Waas, School Principal of Puspita Martha International Beauty School. She talked beautypreneur. She also share some puspita martha's alumni's experiences.
Setelah itu acara dilanjutkan dengan talk show. Yang pertama dari Edwina Waas, School Principal of Puspita Martha International Beauty School. Beliau berbicara tentang beautypreeur. Juga di-share pengalaman beberapa alumni dari puspita martha.
I think I wasn't wrong took a fashion design class and being a beauty blogger. Because in the future, fashion world will be leading in Indonesia (based on Kompas article).
Menurutku aku gak salah deh sekolah fashion design dan jadi beauty blogger. Soalnya menurut artikel di Kompas, dunia fesyen bakal jadi no.1 yang paling populer ke depannya.
Next is the beauty talk with dr. Astrid Tilaar, Consulting Doctor of Puspita Martha International Beauty School. She's so pretty!
Selanjutnya ada beauty talk dari dr. Astrid Tilaar, Consulting Doctor of Puspita Martha International Beauty School. Cantik banget lho!
I'm taking a 100% focus to her presentation. I learned a lot of things, about aging mostly.
Aku bener-bener konsentrasi 100% waktu dengerin presentasinya. Aku belajar macam-macam, tentang aging kebanyakan.
She said that is kinda hard to avoid dark spot because we live in tropical country, Indonesia. So. using sunblock everyday is one of the solution. Also we have to apply day & night cream to recover our skin.
Katanya karena kita tinggal di negara tropis, Indonesia. Jadi akan susah menghindari dark spot. Salah satu solusinya pakai sunblock. Jangan lupa jupa pai krem pagi dan malam untuk recovery kulit kita.
Ok, so now we're moving to the most exciting session, beauty demo! First we were taught about doing facial at home by Nur Azzizah from Biokos. I also learned how to remove makeup in right way. First using an aye & lips makeup remover gently massage your eyes while removing makeup. For the lips using a cotton move from the corner of your lips to the center.
Ok, sekarang lanjut ke sesi yang paling menarik,beauty demo! Pertama kita diajarin cara facial di rumah sama Nur Azzizah dari Biokos. Aku juga belajar cara membersihkan makeup yang benar. Pertama pakai eye & lips makeup remover pelan-pelan pijat daerah mata sambil hapus makeup-nya. Untuk bibir, usapkan kapas dari ujung bibir ke tengah.

After that, you can remove makeup of the rest of your face using a milk cleanser while massaging your face from chin to forehead. My face feel fresh after removing my makeup using Biokos products.
Setelah itu kamu bisa hapus keseluruhan makeup pakai milk cleanser sambil massage wajah dari bagian dagu ke arah dahi. Wajahku terasa seger setelah dihapus makeup-nya pakai produk dari Biokos.

Now it's time to put the makeup again. Here we have Toney, Professional Makeup Artist from Puspita Martha Beauty School.
Sekarang waktunya untuk pakai makeup lagi. Ada Toney, Professional Makeup Artist from Puspita Martha Beauty School.

Using makeup palette from Caring Colours, let's start! First, of course apply BB cream. You can use your clean hands or brush to apply it. Make sure you blend it well. After that set your BB cream with powder.
Pakai makeup palette dari Caring Colours, mari mulai! Pertama, pastinya pakai BB cream. Kamu bisa pakai tangan kamu yang bersih atau brush juga bisa. Pastiin kamu pakai merata, setelah itu pakai bedak.

Ok now, for the most interesting part, eye makeup. Toney shared to us his magic trick to apply false lashes. Put the falsies right on your eyeliner. Then apply a tiny bit of eyelash glue to your real lashes stick it with the false lashes. Apply mascara for finishing touch.
Nah sekarang bagian yang paling menarik nih, makeup mata. Toney kasih tau trik sulapnya untuk pakai bulu mata palsu. Pakai bulu mata paslsu di bagian eyeliner. Terus, ambil sedikit lem bulu mata pakai di bulu mata aslimu, nah sekarang tempelkan ke bulu mata palsu. Terakhir pakai mascara.

I know I know, my falsies are too long :( Anyway, I like the blusher, maybe I'll buy it next time. You know, this event was hold at Outback Steakhouse at Kuningan City.
Iya aku tau bulu mata ku emang kepanjangan :( Oiya, acara ini diadakan di Outback Steakhouse, Kuningan City.
They served yummy food of course. My favorite is banana nut cake, super yummy!
Makanannya tentu aja enak. yang paling aku suka banana nut cake, enak banget!
Last picture is the goodie bag. There are bunch of skincare & makeup products, also some vouchers.
Foto terakhir goodie bag. Ada banyak banget skincare dan makeup juga beberapa voucher.
I had so much fun and thank you so much to Biokos & Caring Colours for helding this event. Stay tune for review post about the products. I will post it soon.
Aku bener-bener seneng banget hadir di acara ini, makasih banyak untuk Biokos & Caring Colours atas acaranya. Tungguin posting review produk-produk di atas ya. Aku akan tulis segera.