Imaginary Friend

Blog berisi review makeup & skin care dan juga pengalaman traveling ke Jepang, Singapore, dll.

If you're following me on Instagram, you must have known that I've been using this body scrub. Last, month I bought it at Skin Junkie's booth in Market & Museum. I've always wanna try the Caffeine Body Scrub, gladly finally I can buy it there.

Kalau kamu follow intagram-ku pasti tau deh aku pakai body scrub ini. Bulan lalu aku beli di booth- nya Skin Junkie di Market & Museum. Aku dari dulu pengen banget coba, akhirnya beli juga deh di sana.

Packaging : (8/10)
I like how vintage the packaging is. You can see a pin up girl printed on the top of the packaging. You also can read the ingredients. Yep, it's so eye catching.

Kemasannya lucu vintage gitu. Kamu bisa lihat ada gambar pin up girl. Kamu juga bisa baca kandungan dari body scrub ini apa aja. Pokonya kemasannya menarik deh menurutku.

Texture : (7/10)
I must say that the texture is a bit rough at first, but when I applied it onto my skin eventually it become smoother. Using a finger tip to take it then apply to your entire thighs and arms.

Teksturnya memang sedikit kasar pas pertama coba tapi lama kelamaan pas dinbaur ke kulit gak gitu berasa kasar lagi. Kamu cukup ambil seujung jari bisa untuk pakai di lengan dan paha, hemat deh.

Overall : (8/10)
I really like it and definitely will repurchase. beside it's a homemade and made in Indonesia product. So proud that there is a good local product like this. I also feel my skin is smoother especially my elbows.

Aku suka banget body scrub ini, kalau habis nanti aku pasti beli lagi. Selain itu ini juga produk handmade dan buatan Indonesia. bangga rasanya ada produk lokal yang bagus kayak gini. Aku juga merasa kulitku jauh lebih halus, terutama di bagian siku.


I personally tested every product and give my very honest opinion based on my personal experienced. I put additional disclaimer in each sponsored post.

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