Imaginary Friend

Blog berisi review makeup & skin care dan juga pengalaman traveling ke Jepang, Singapore, dll.

Hello there! So, how was your weekend? Time flies really fast right? I mean it's June already. Anyway, last month I tried Menard's facial salon at Central Park. Today, I'll share my opinion about it.

Halo semuanya! Gimana akhir pekannya? Waktu cepat banget ya berlalu, sekarang udah Bulan Juni aja. Oiya, bulan lalu aku coba facial salon nya Menard di Central Park. Nah, hari ini aku akan bahas pendapatku tentang ini.

First, we have to check our skin condition to measure the moisture and elasticity.

Pertama, kita dicek dulu kondisi kulitnya, untuk mengukur kelembapan dan kekenyalan kulit.

The result is my skin type dry to normal. Thank God, it wasn't dehydrated one. I also got some problems with pores and skin texture.

Hasilnya tipe kulitku cenderung ke kering tapi masih termasuk normal. Untungnya gak dehidrasi. Aku juga ada masalah pori-pori besar dan tekstur kulit yang gak bagus.

After that, we went to the facial room and change the outfit. It was my very first experience having a facial at salon like this. I feel so relax during the facial, I even took a nap lol

Setelah itu kita bisa pergi ke ruangan facial dan ganti baju. Ini pengalaman pertama kali untukku nyoba facial seperti ini. Aku benar-benar ngerasa rileks banget, sampe ketiduran lho :D

I got the clean pack one. I can't choose because it's a free gift from Menard, remember I won IBB MUC last March. This is one of the prizes. I think this pack is perfect for my dirty skin tho.

Aku kemarin itu dapat yang clean pack. Aku gak bisa milih, soalnya ini hadiah dari Menard, kan waktu bulan Maret lalu aku menang IBB MUC. Ini salah satu hadiahnya. Tapi menurutku pack ini cocok kok untuk kulitku.

You can read more about this pack on the picture below.

Kamu bisa baca informasi detilnya di gambar bawah ini.

There are many types of the pack. You can choose based on the skin condition.

Ada banyak tipe pack lho, kamu bisa pilih mana yang cocok dengan kondisi kulitmu.

I was so surprised with the result. My skin looks brighten and smoother.

Aku lumayan kaget juga sama hasilnya. Kulitku benar-benar terlihat cerah dan lebih halus.


I definitely gonna try again this month. Since I'm very satisfied with the result. You can visit Menard counter at Central Park or Seibu, Grand Indonesia to get this service.

Aku pasti bakal coba lagi deh bulan ini, soalnya puas banget sama hasilnya. Kamu juga bisa kunjungi Menard di Central Park atau Seibu, Grand Indonesia untuk coba facial salon-nya.


I personally tested every product and give my very honest opinion based on my personal experienced. I put additional disclaimer in each sponsored post.

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