Hello! I'm back with darker hair! Yep, I dyed my hair to darker shade of brown. So, in this post I wanna share my opinion about hair color which I used. It's from Syoss, I chose the medium brown color.
Halo! Aku balik lagi dengan warna rambut yang lebih gelap.Minggu lalu aku ganti warna rambut lagi. Kali ini aku pilh warna lebih gelap. Jadi, posting kali ini akan ngebahas tentang pewarna rambut yang kupakai. Aku pakai Syoss warna medium brown.
Actually, I don't really care about the packaging. I bought this because I was curious about the quality of it. But, if you ask me about the packaging I think it looks kinda cheap lol
I mean the black box with a picture of the hair color result. I think they need to improve the packaging design.
Sebenarnya aku gak gitu peduli dengan kemasannya. Soalnya jujur aku beli karena penasaran sama kualitas produknya. Tapi kalau ditanya tentang kemasannya, aku gak gitu suka. Terkesan agak murahan. Desainnya terlalu simpel dengan warna hitam.
♛ How to Use :
Inside the box there are a cream color tube, application bottle which has developer emulsion inside, instruction paper, a pair of plastic gloves and a conditioner.
Ok, now mix the cream color into developer emulsion bottle. You can shake the bottle, until they (cream color & developer emulsion) mix well.
Now, use the gloves to secure your hands and you can apply it on your hair. Make sure you comb the hair first. It helps to blend the hair color easier.
Make sure to apply the cream evenly from root to the end of your hair. It took a half hour for me. After that, I leave my hair about a half hour then rinse it off with warm water. Remember, the water should be warm not hot!
Last, apply the conditioner and leave it for about 5 minutes then rinse it off with water.
♛ Result : (8/10)
The color turn out a bit darker, unlike what I thought first. But I was quite happy with the result. The color looks even and the formula doesn't make my hair dry.
Warnanya sih kelihatan lebih gelap, gak seperti yang aku kira. Tapi aku suka kok. Warnanya juga merata dan formulanya juga gak bikin rambutku jadi kering.
Let see, how long the color will stay on my hair. I'll update it in my instagram, later. So, have you ever try Syoss hair color?
Penasaran kapan warnanya akan pudar. Mungkin nanti aku akan update instagram. Nah, kamu pernah gak pakai pewarna rambut Syoss?
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