Imaginary Friend

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I've been using this cream for about a month. I'm a huge fans of The body shop Vitamin E cream. When I know they released Vitamin E Aqua Boost Sorbet, I know that I've got to have this. So, here is the review from me.

Sekitar satu bulan aku pakai produk ini. Aku suka banget sama krem Vitamin E dari The body shop. Jadi, pas mereka keluarin produk Vitamin E Aqua Boost Sorbet ini, aku harus coba. Nah, ini review-nya.

♛ Packaging: (9/10)  
Love the packaging. It's very simple yet sophisticated and cute at the same time. The jar made from glass I believe, so it's a bit heavy

Suka deh sama kemasannya. Sederhana tapi kesannya mahal dan gemesin. Jar-nya terbuat dari kaca/beling, jadinya sedikit berat.

♛ Texture & Formula : (8/10) 
This cream has unique texture. It's like a jelly but not exactly a gel. It also bouncy. Look at the color, super cute isn't it? When I apply onto my face, the cream absorbed into the skin very fast and no sticky feeling at all. After you applied  it about 5 seconds, you can feel the cool sensation on your skin. 

Krem ini teksturnya unik lho. Mirip jeli tapi gak seperti jel, udah gitu bouncy lagi. Liat deh warnanya lucu banget ya? Kalau aku pakai, kren ini cepat banget diserap kulit, tanpa rasa lengket. Setelah sekitar 5 detik, kamu bisa merasakan sensai dingin di wajah.


♛ Overall : (8/10)
I personally love it. It keeps my skin moisturize during the day. However, the price is a little more expensive than the other Vitamin E creams. So, what do you think, have you try this product?

Aku suka dengan produk ini. Karena bisa menjaga kelembaban kulitku di siang hari. Tapi harganya memang sedikit lebih mahal dari krem Vitamin E lainnya. Gimana menurutmu, apakah kamu pernah coba produk ini?


I personally tested every product and give my very honest opinion based on my personal experienced. I put additional disclaimer in each sponsored post.

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