Imaginary Friend

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Hey beauty lovers! I'm back again with another beauty product from I got this cute little brush named, Great Painter. It's not for painting. This brush is a facial cleansing brush to remove blackheads.

Halo beauty lovers! Balik lagi nih dengan review produk dari Kali ini ada brush Great Painter. Tapi bukan untuk melukis lho, melainkan dipakai sebagai pembersih wajah terutama pasa bagian hidung. Ini bisa membersihkan komedo.

♛ Design : (9/10)
I like the wood handle, looks sophisticed. It also very handy. While the bristles are super soft. It won't hurt your skin.

Aku suka pegangannya yang terbuat dari kayu. Selain itu desainnya dibuat mudah dipegang. Sementara bulu-bulu sikatnya benar-benar halus. Jadi gak sakit pas dipakai.

♛ How to use:
It's very easy to use. You can cream foam with facial wash. Put the foam on your skin, then use the brush in circular motion. No pressure needs, just do it gently. Trust me it will works good for cleansing the blackheads. After that, you can rinse the nose.

Cara pakainya mudah lho. Kamu bisa buat busa dengan facial wash. Terus busanya taruh di atas hidung, dengan brush ini sikat dengan gerakan memutar. Tidak perlu ditekan, perlahan aja. Pokoknya, komedo jadi hilang deh. Nah, setelah itu bisa dibilas deh hidungnya.

♛ Overall : (9/10) 
I usually using scrub to remove balckheads, but somehow it gives redness to my nose. So, I replace the scrub with this brush. The brush really does a good job for cleansing my nose without leave any redness. But I don't recommend to use it everyday, maybe once every two days if you have many blackheads. 

There is a good news for everyone who want to try it, you get get a special discount using code HPB10. So, enjoy your shopping with and see you on the next post!

Biasanya aku pakai scrub untuk membersihkan komedo, terus kulit di sekitar hidung jadi merah-merah. Sekarang aku ganti pakai brush ini. Komedo hilang dan gak bikin kulit jadi merah. Tapi aku gak saranin pakai tiap hari ya. Paling gak 2 hari sekali, kalau komedo mu banyak.

Ada kabar gembira nih untuk yang mau beli brush ini, ada diskon code HPB10. Jadi, ayo buruan belanja di dan ssampai ketemu di posting selanjutnya!

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post by  Born Pretty.


I personally tested every product and give my very honest opinion based on my personal experienced. I put additional disclaimer in each sponsored post.

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