Imaginary Friend

Blog berisi review makeup & skin care dan juga pengalaman traveling ke Jepang, Singapore, dll.

Hey guys! Remember my post about BBlogger Meet Up? I was the winner of instagram contest in Make Over session. So I got an additional goodies as the prize, one of the products inside is a Ultra Shine Lipstick. Today, I will tell you my opinion about it.

Halo semuanya! Masih ingat posting tentang
BBlogger Meet Up? Aku jadi salah satu pemenang kontes instagram saat sesi Make Over. Nah, sebagai hadiah aku dapat goodie bag tambahan, salah satu produk di dalamnya ada Ultra Shine Lipstick. Jadi, posting hari ini akan membahas tentang produk ini.

Packaging & Color (8/10)
The packaging is so Make Over with black color & the logo on it. I got shade 02, which is nude color with pink tone. It's perfect because I was looking for a nude lipstick. I don't really into nude lipstick cause sometimes it makes my face look pale. Thank God, this lipstick has pink tone.

Kemasannya, khas Make Over banget deh, dengan warna hitam dan logo di atasnya. Aku dapat shade 02, penasaran kan sama warnanya? Ternyata warna nude dengan pink tone. Pas banget nih, aku lagi cari lipstick warna nude. Biasanya kalau lipstick nude bikin wajah kita terlihat sedikit pucat. Makanya, aku gak gitu suka. Tapi warna lipstick ini gak
gitu pucat. Ada sedikit warna pink nya.

Texture & Formula (8/10)
It has super creamy texture, good for my dry lips. Beside, I don't need to apply lipgloss on top of it, cause it has shiny effect. However, it doesn't have isn't long lasting formula, need to touch up.

Tekstur lipstick ini sangat creamy, cocok deh untuk bibirku yang sering kering. Selain itu, kamu gak butuh lipgloss lagi, karena seperti namanya Ultra Shine, lipstick ini terkesan shiny. Sayangnya, lipstick ini gak tahan lama, jadi harus touch up setelah makan atau minum.

Overall (8/10)
It's a perfect nude lipstick for someone who doesn't really into nude lipstick. It has nice texture for dry lips. I think I'm quite satisfied with the product. But, you have to make sure to bring it with you for touching up.

Warna lipstick nude ini pas banget untuk kamu yang gak gitu suka dengan nude lipstick. Tekstur yang pas untuk kamu yang bibirnya kering. Tapi kamu harus pastikan  membawa lipstick ini untuk touch up.


I personally tested every product and give my very honest opinion based on my personal experienced. I put additional disclaimer in each sponsored post.

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