Imaginary Friend

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I've been loving this eye tape from Starry Light by Stella Lee. Yes, she's one of my favorite beauty blogger. I decided to buy a box and got special price at that time. If you're curious about it, make sure to read the whole post.

Aku lagi suka banget sama eye tape dari Starry Light oleh Stella Lee. Salah satu beauty blogger favoritku. Akhirnya aku beli 1 kotak dan waktu itu ada harga khusus, jadi lebih murah. Nah, kalau kamu penasaran, baca terus ya postingnya.

I have uneven eyelids. My right eye always look smaller than the left one. So, I used to put an eyelid tape or scotch only on my right eyelid. I know it looks so weird because all those things are obvious. Some of my guy friends keep asking me what is it on my eyelid. It's pretty annoying actually, so I decided to not put any eye tape anymore. But then, my eyeliner always look asymmetric. Thank God, finally there is this magic eye tape.

Aku punya kelopak mata yang gak sama. Mata kananku selalu terlihat lebih kecil. Jadi, aku dulu pakai eyelid tape atau scotch cuma di kelopak mata kanan. Tapi jadi aneh soalnya kelihatan banget. Beberapa temenku yang laki-laki pasti pada nanyain itu apa sih di kelopak mata. Nyebelin banget, jadi aku stop pake eyelid tape. Eh jadinya tiap pakai eyeliner kelihatan gak simetris. Duh, serba salah deh. Untungnya, sekarang ada magic eye tape ini.

What is it?
It's an eyelid tape which has unique texture like lace. It also very thin so, it less obvious. In 1 box there are 3 sheets that has 10 pairs of eyelid tape each. Also you can find a small bottle of glue.

Produk eyelid tape yang teksturnya sangat unik, seperti lace. Juga sangat tipis, jadi tidak begitu kelihatan. Di dalam 1 kotak ada 3 lembar eyelid tape yang isinya masing-masing 10 pasang. Ada juga sebotol lem kecil.

How to Use:
- take the eyetape and put on the back of your hand
- put the glue in thin layer
- after that apply the eye tape on your eyelid using a pinset

- ambil eye tape dan letakkna di punngung tangan
- pakaikan lem secara tipis
- aplikasikan eye tape di kelopak mata pakai pinset

Sounds pretty easy, but I need some practices lol
Kedengarannya mudah, tapi aku butuh beberapa kali latihan lho

Overall (9/10)
Super love it! It's a must have product for anyone who wanna have big double eyelids without get any surgery. The price is also affordable.  

Suka banget! Pokoknya produk wajib untuk kamu yang ingin punya double eyelid yang lebar tanpa harus operasi. Harganya juga terjangkau.

I think Stella did a great job, I mean it selling super fast!! So, maybe you will need to wait for Pre Order one. If you're interested just go to @Starrylight_id. Thanks for reading!

Stella bener-bener oke deh, soalnya laku banget lho!! Jadi mungkin kamu harus nunggu PO. Kalau tertarik bisa cek @Starrylight_id. Makasih ya sudah baca!


I personally tested every product and give my very honest opinion based on my personal experienced. I put additional disclaimer in each sponsored post.

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