Imaginary Friend

Blog berisi review makeup & skin care dan juga pengalaman traveling ke Jepang, Singapore, dll.

Welcoming new a month with another beauty review. So, I got V10 Plus Water Based Peeling Facial Mask from the goodies at Beauty Blogger Meet Up last Saturday. I know a lot of bloggers love it. I was curious and give it a try. Keep reading this post if you wanna know my opinion about this famous peeling.

Menyambut bulan baru dengan posting review produk kecantikan lagi. Aku dapat V10 Plus Water Based Peeling Facial Mask dari goodies acara Beauty Blogger Meet Up hari Sabtu lalu. Banyak blogger yang suka dengan produk ini. Aku penasaran dan akhirnya coba deh. Kalau kamu juga penasaran dengan pendapatku tentang peeling ini baca terus ya posting-nya.

What is it?
It's a peeling which contains rice & sea weed extract. It doesn't have any scrub which is good for sensitive skin. It claims to removes dead skin cells and prevents aging.

Ini adalah produk peeling yang menganduk ektrak beras & rumput laut. Tidak mengandung scrub jadi cocok untuk kulit sensitif. Katanya bisa mengangkat kulit mati dan memperlambat penuaan pada kulit.

How to use:
- Wash your face first and make sure it's already dry
- Spread the peeling all over your face and wait untill 5 seconds
- Massage with circular motion gently (you'll see & feel the dead skin)
- Rinse your face with water

- Cuci muka dulu dan keringkan
- Oleskan peeling ke seluruh wajah
- Pijat dengan gerakan memutar (kamu pasti bisa lihat & rasakan kulit matinya bermunculan)
- Bilas wajah dengan air

You can see the result on my skin. The 'before' image look so gross, ewww. So many blackheads. Now move to the 'after' image. My skin looks brighter and smoother. Of course no blackheads anymore, yay!

Nah, kamu bisa lihat sendiri hasilnya di kulitku. Di gambar 'before' kelihatan kotor banget kan, banyak komedo. Sekarang lihat deh gambar 'after'. Kulitku kelihatan lebih cerah dan mulus. Tentunya gak ada komedo lagi, hore!

♛ Overall (9/10)
I'm in love with this peeling. Very easy to use and it really works! It comes in a sachet which is travel friendly. I can use it for 3 times in a week. The price is quite affordable to. If you're interested to try just go to V10 plus's site. Aku suka banget sama peeling ini. Mudah dipakai dan hasilnya benar-benar oke!

Kemasannya yang berbentuk sachet jadi mudah dibawa kemana-mana. Aku bisa pakai 3x dalam seminggu. Harganya juga cukup terjangkau. Kalau kamu tertarik bisa langsung ke web V10 plus.


I personally tested every product and give my very honest opinion based on my personal experienced. I put additional disclaimer in each sponsored post.

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