Imaginary Friend

Blog berisi review makeup & skin care dan juga pengalaman traveling ke Jepang, Singapore, dll.

Yes, I attended 2 events last Saturday. Here is the second one, Grand Opening Kay Collection's store at Grand Indonesia. If you're living in Indonesia and love Japanese products, you must have known Kay Collection. A makeup store which sells lotsa makeup & skincare products and most of them are from Japan.

Iya, jadi Hari Sabtu lalu, aku datang ke 2 acara. Nah ini yang kedua, Grand Opening Kay Collection's store at Grand Indonesia. Kalau kamu tinggal di Indonesia pasti udah tahu kan Kay Collection itu apa. Toko yang menjual produk kecantikan yang kebanyakan dari Jepang.

I met some bloggers of course. Pardon my weird pose LOL

Aku ketemu banyak blogger juga tentunya. Maap ya pose fotoku aneh :D

There was a beauty demo and the girls are very excited to see it.

Ada beauty demo juga lho dan pengunjung pada semangat banget ngeliatnya.

Check out the video below, if you're curious about the new store.

Yuk tonton video di bawah untuk lihat store barunya Kay Collection.

image source by Kay Collection


I personally tested every product and give my very honest opinion based on my personal experienced. I put additional disclaimer in each sponsored post.

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