Hello lovely readers! Last week I went to Jakarta Fashion Week (JFW) 2015 at Senayan City, Jakarta. I got an invitation from Sophie Paris to attend their show.
Halo semuanya! Minggu lalu aku perdi ke acara Jakarta Fashion Week (JFW) 2015 di Senayan City. Aku dapat undangan dari Sophie Paris.
The event wasn't only fashion show but also talk show with Becky Tumewu as the brand ambassador.She shares about how to be stylish with Sophie Paris fashion apparel.
Acaranya gak cuma fashion show aja tapi juga ada talk show dengan Becky Tumewu sebagai the brand ambassador. Beliau berbagi tips bagaimana tampil stylish dengan produk fashion dari Sophie Paris.
Ok now I wanna share my favorite dress from the runway. I think it looks sophisticated and modern.
Nah sekarang, aku mau kasih lihat dress yang paling aku suka dari koleksi Sophie Paris. Terkesan mahal dan modern ya.
I also like this bag with a little pouch. The illustration looks so cute!
Aku juga suka tas ini, ada pouch kecilnya juga. Gambar ilustrasinya lucu banget!

If you're interested with the products, just go visit their site.
Kalau kamu tertarik dengan produknya, bisa langsung ke website Sophie Paris.