Imaginary Friend

Blog berisi review makeup & skin care dan juga pengalaman traveling ke Jepang, Singapore, dll.

If you're living in Indonesia, you must have known Cherrybelle. An Indonesian famous girlband. Did you know that they collaborated with Cow Style making a cosmetics brand? I've tried one of the product, so today's post is a review of Cherrybelle facial foam

Kalau tinggal di Indonesia pasti tahu Cherrybelle dong. Salah satu girlband yang terkenal di sini. Nah, kalian tahu gak kalau mereka bekerja sama dengan Cow Style membuat brand kosmetik lho. Aku sudah coba salah satu produknya, dan posting kali ini akan ngebahas tentang facial foam Cherrybelle.

Look how cute the packaging with pastel colors. It's in tube form which looks common for a facial foam. It has creamy texture and when you pour water on it, you can make super soft bubble. What I like the most about Cow Style's product is the very soft bubble foam.

Lucu ya kemasannya dengan warna-warna pastel. Bentuknya tube seperti facial foam biasa. Untuk teksturnya creamy dan ketika diberi air kamu bisa buat busa yang lembut. Ini salah satu yang paling aku suka dari produk Cow Style, busanya lembut banget di kulit.

I've tried the facial foam for a week and I like it! It doesn't break out my skin. It also doesn't make my skin dry and it has lovely scent too. Still curious about it, you can check out

Aku sudah coba selama seminggu. Gak bikin breakout dan juga gak bikin kulit jadi kering. Selain itu wanginya juga enak lho. Masih penasaran dengan produk ini atau mau tahu lebih banyak tentang cowstyle? Yuk, cek di


I personally tested every product and give my very honest opinion based on my personal experienced. I put additional disclaimer in each sponsored post.

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