Aku punya beberapa bekas jerawat karena "adult acne", jadi bb cream aja gak cukup untuk base makeup biar kelihatan flawless. Aku juga jarang pakai concealer kecuali di bagian bawah mata. Jadi lebih suka pakai foundation akhir-akhir ini. Karena kulitku yang cenderung kering, aku lebih memilih liquid foundation. Agak susah juga cari foundation yang dewy dan gak bikin kulit kering. Nah, produk yang satu ini pas banget untuk kulitku, namanya TSUKIKA liquid foundation dari MENARD.
I've been suffered with adult acne, it leaves some spot and redness to my skin. So I need more coverage to create flawless makeup base. That's why I chose to wear foundation these days. Since, my skin is more normal to dry is kinda hard to find the right foundation, until I found TSUKIKA liquid foundation from MENARD.
It wasn't the first time I'm trying Menard's product, you can read my post about their skin care products. Anyway, Tsukika liquid foundation has a simple packaging in tube, which makes me easier to take out the product. It also provides a sponge. The sponge is similar with the one in cushion product from Korea.
Untuk teksur foundationnya sendiri agak sedikit creamy, jadi gak cair banget. Nah, yang paling aku suka itu warnanya yang kekuningan. Pas banget untuk kulitku yang cenderung ke yellow tone. Oia, di sini aku pakai shade 52Y.
The texture is a little bit creamy and the colour is perfect for yellow skin tone like me. I use shade 52Y.
Untuk coveragenya sendiri sheer to medium. Kamu bisa lihat foto di bawah ini. Kulitku banyak merah-merah karena bekas jerawat dan purging. Setelah pakai 1 layer TSUKIKA foundation jadi keliatan flawless kan. Oiya, untuk dapat coverange yang medium, pakai foundationnya ditepuk-tepuk perlahan ya.
The coverage is sheer to medium. As you can see on the image below, My redness is covered nicely. I only use 1 layer of it, using the sponge with dabbing the products onto my skin.
I usually don't apply powder after the foundation. I like the dewy effect of it, It looks more natural, but if your skin is oily I would recommend to apply powder of course.
The price is about 34.44 USD for 25ml. A little bit expensive but the result is amazing I think. You can buy it at Menard's counter in Grand Indonesia (SEIBU) or Central Park (SOGO). So, what do you think about this product?
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