semuanya! Hari ini ada review foundation yang dari dulu udah jadi wishlist-ku. Akhirnya beli juga waktu jalan-jalan ke Singapore. Berikut
review Giorgio Armani Luminous Silk Foundation.
Hi all! Today's post is all about the foundation that had already on my wishlist for a long time. Finally I purchase it, when I visited Singapore. So, here is the review of Giorgio Armani Luminous Silk Foundation.
pilih shade no.6 yang pas banget sama warna kulitku. Warnanya
kekuningan gitu. Kemasannya oke banget ada pump-nya! Jadi gak ribet pas
mau pake foundation ini. Gak bakal takut kebanyakan ngeluarin foundation
lagi deh.
I chose shade no.6, it's a yellow tone color. The color is perfect for my skin. I also like the packaging, it comes with a pump, yay!
I chose shade no.6, it's a yellow tone color. The color is perfect for my skin. I also like the packaging, it comes with a pump, yay!
Selain suka dengan kemasannya, aku juga suka banget sama tekstur foundation ini. Pas dipakai gak bikin kering dan gak keliatan kalau pakai foundation. Bener-bener kayak kulit asli. Hasilnya dewy tapi gak berlebihan.
I'm in love with the texture. It's easy to blend and very moisture. It feels like almost wearing nothing on your face. It gives dewy effect without looking to much.
I'm in love with the texture. It's easy to blend and very moisture. It feels like almost wearing nothing on your face. It gives dewy effect without looking to much.
Sayangnya, coverage-nya sheer (sedikit banget). Jadi, kalau lagi jerawatan mesti pakai concelaer lagi deh. Andalan-ku sih pakai Coverderm Perfect Face sebelum Giorgio Armani Foundation. Hasilnya kulit jadi flawless.
However, the coverage is sheer. So I need to put some concealer the acne scars. My favorite product is Coverderm Perfect Face. I apply it before the Giorgio Armani Foundation. It gives a flawless skin.
Harganya memang mahal, foundation termahal yang aku beli. Tapi gak nyesel karena kualitasnya bagus banget. Aku beli sekitar 80 SGD, saranku beli di Changi aja lebih murah sekitar 70 SGD. Gimana menurutmu dengan foundation yang terkenal ini? Aku pakai product ini di video makeup tutorial di bawah lho, yuk tonton :)
The price is expensive but you got a very nice quality. I bought for about 80 SGD. If you buy at Changi Airport maybe about 70 SGD. So what do you think about this famous foundation, will you try it? Anyway, I use this product on the makeup video tutorial below, make sure you press the play button :)
The price is expensive but you got a very nice quality. I bought for about 80 SGD. If you buy at Changi Airport maybe about 70 SGD. So what do you think about this famous foundation, will you try it? Anyway, I use this product on the makeup video tutorial below, make sure you press the play button :)