Fans of Korean makeup? But hate their cushion's formula because of too dewy for your skin. Don't worry I got a good news for you. The Face Shop has released a cushion for oily skin, which is perfect for you who live in tropical country just like me or for summer days. Check out the review below.
Nama produknya OIL CONTROL WATER CUSHION. Jadi, formulanya walaupun untuk kulit berminyak, tidak membuat kulitmu kering karena berbahan dasar air. Makanya aku berani pakai walaupun kulitku cenderung kering. Cushion ini juga ada SPF 50+, PA +++. Aman untuk yang beraktivitas di luar ruangan. Udah gitu tahan lama lho, aku pakai seharian sampai malam tapi gak luntur.
It's called OIL CONTROL WATER CUSHION. The formula is perfect for oily skin yet good for any skin type. Because the main ingredient is water. So, it won't make your skin dry. It also has SPF 50+, PA +++ and smudge proof.
Yang paling aku suka itu coverage-nya. Biasanya cushion coveragenya tipis banget, makanya aku lebih milih fundation. Tapi yang ini beda. Cushion dari The Face Shop ini, punya coverage yang oke banget, liat aja di foto before - after kulitku jadi flawless tanpa pakai concealer.
The best thing is the coverage. I hate using cushion product because of the sheer coverage, but this one has a great coverage. You can see the before - after picture of my skin. The after looks flawless, right?
Karena kulitku cenderung kering, aku gak pakai bedak lagi setelah pakai OIL CONTROL WATER CUSHION. Tapi, kalau kamu kulitnya berminyak banget, saranku pakai bedak tabur lagi aja, gak usah banyak-banyak. Cushion ini harganya memang agak mahal, tapi kualitasnya sebanding dengan foundation high end menurutku. Kamu bisa beli di counter The Face Shop yang ada di beberapa mall, seperti di Senayan City. Oiya, harganya Rp. 599.000,- (kalau gak salah). Baca juga review Secrest Key CC Cushion.
If you have very oily skin, you can use loose powder after the cushion. It's a great product for everyone who want a flawless skin without put a lot of products on the face. The price is reasonable for such a good quality. It's about $45 and you can buy it at The Face Shop's counter. Also read Secret Key's CC Cushion review.