Karena sunblock aja gak cukup untuk melindungi kulit akibat terpapar sinar matahari.
Lotion untuk melembabkan kulit juga penting banget lho. Karena sinar matahari bisa mengakibatkan kulit jadi kering. Jadi sebelum pakai sunblock aku selalu pakai lotion pelembab dulu. Nah akhir-akhir ini ini aku pakai Redwin Sorbolene moisturiser. Baca review selengkapnya yuk di bawah ini.
Applying sunblock is not enough to protect skin damaged because of the sunlight. That's why I choose to always apply skin moisturiser before sunblock. I've been using Redwin Sorbolene moisturiser these days, check out the full review below.
Pertama kali lihat produk Redwin Sorbolene moisturiser, aku langsung tertarik mau coba, soalnya keterangan di kemasannya tertulis mengandung 10% Plant Derived Glycerin. Ternyata gak semua Glycerin bagus untuk kulit, tapi yang digunakan di dalam kandungan Redwin Sorbolene moisturiser ini yang terbuat dari tumbuh-tumbuhan, jadi bagus banget sebagai pelembab dan melembutkan kulit, bahkan bisa untuk kulit balita juga. Selain mengandung 10% Plant Derived Glycerin, ada juga Vitamin E. Udah pada tahu kan kalau vitamin E bagus banet untuk kulit karena bisa mencegah kulit keriput. Vitamin E juga bisa melindungi epidermis kulit dari serangan sinar matahari, jadi bisa mencegah kanker kulit.
When I saw the description on the packaging I definitely need to try it. The reason is simple it has a lot of good ingredients for skin. One of them is 10% Plant Derived Glycerin. This type of glycerin is very good for maintaining the moisture of the skin. It also can soften the skin. There is also Vitamin E which I bet you all know it's very good for our skin. It can protect the skin from sun damaged which can cause skin cancer. Vitamin E also can prevent wrinkles.
Nah, kalau Sorbolene adalah salah satu jenis krim yang cocok untuk kulit sensitif sekalipun karena tidak berbau dan tidak menyebabkan iritasi. Jelas aja karena produk Redwin Sorbolene moisturiser tidak mengandung pewangi, pewarna dan paraben. Jadi pastinya aman untuk kulit sensitif bahkan anak-anak.
Anyway, the Sorbolene itself is type of cream which is good for sensitive skin. It's like an anti inflammation cream. Redwin Sorbolene moisturiser is good for all skin type even for toddler. It does't contain any colorant, fragrance or paraben. Awesome, right?
Tekstur Redwin Sorbolene moisturiser ini mirip sama body lotion. Tapi terasa lebih ringan, cepat menyerap ke dalam kulit dan juga tidak lengket. Jujur aja, aku paling gak suka dengan pelembab yang meninggalkan rasa lengket di kulit, karena jadi gak nyaman seharian. Untungnya, Redwin Sorbolene moisturiser gak lengket gitu dan cepat diserap kulit. Jadi kulit terasa nyaman seharian. Cara pakai Redwin Sorbolene moisturiser, biasanya aku setiap habis mandi pagi sebelum pakai sunblock, gunakan ke kulit badan, tangan, kaki dan leher. Jadi, perlindungan terhadap efek buruk terpapar sinar matahari lebih maksimal lagi. Aku juga suka re-apply kalau kulitku terasa kering karena lama di ruangan ber-AC. Selain itu, kalau kamu banyak aktifitas di luar ruangan dan terpapar sinar matahari terus-terusan, bisa banget re-apply penggunaan Redwin Sorbolene moisturiser. Sebelum tidur juga penting banget pakai pelembab. Karena saat kita tidur adalah saat terbaik bagi kulit untuk melakukan proses regenerasi.
The texture is almost like any other body lotion. But, it's lighter and very easy to absorbed by the skin. The best thing is it doesn't sticky at all. I really hate sticky moisturiser! I always apply Redwin Sorbolene moisturiser after shower and before go to bed. At night while we're sleeping is the perfect time for skin to regenerate itself. I also re-apply Redwin Sorbolene moisturiser whenever I feel my skin become dry because of the AC and after sun exposure.
The texture is almost like any other body lotion. But, it's lighter and very easy to absorbed by the skin. The best thing is it doesn't sticky at all. I really hate sticky moisturiser! I always apply Redwin Sorbolene moisturiser after shower and before go to bed. At night while we're sleeping is the perfect time for skin to regenerate itself. I also re-apply Redwin Sorbolene moisturiser whenever I feel my skin become dry because of the AC and after sun exposure.
Aku sangat amat merekomendasikan Redwin Sorbolene moisturiser karena aman dan manfaatnya banyak banget untuk kesehatan dan kecantikan kulit. Dapatkan kulit sehat dan indah dari Redwin Sorbolen moisturiser dengan harga yang terjangkau. Untuk ukuran tube 100g seharga Rp.70.000,- sampai Rp.80.000,- bisa dibeli di Watson, Guardian, Century dan beberapa super market, seperti Papaya, Ranch Market, Foodhall, Lotte Mart, dll. Kalau kamu sibuk atau males keluar rumah kayak aku, bisa beli online di beberapa online shop seperti, Perfect Beauty
Shop dan Sociolla
. Nah, kalau kamu sendiri tertarik gak mencoba produk Redwin Sorbolene moisturiser ini?
I highly recommend Redwin Sorbolene moisturiser to everyone. You already read how awesome the product with good ingredients which will not harm our skin. It's very save for all skin type, including the toddlers. The price is pretty affordable too. For IDR 70.000 - 80.000 you got a tube of 100g Redwin Sorbolene moisturiser. It's very easy to get it in Indonesia. You can found Redwin Sorbolene moisturiser at the beauty & drugstore like Guardian, Watson or Century. They also sell it at groceries store like Papaya, Ranch Market, Foodhall, Lotte Mart, etc. For me, the best way to buy it is at ecommerce like Perfect Beauty
Shop and Sociolla
. So, tell me will you try Redwin Sorbolene moisturiser?
I highly recommend Redwin Sorbolene moisturiser to everyone. You already read how awesome the product with good ingredients which will not harm our skin. It's very save for all skin type, including the toddlers. The price is pretty affordable too. For IDR 70.000 - 80.000 you got a tube of 100g Redwin Sorbolene moisturiser. It's very easy to get it in Indonesia. You can found Redwin Sorbolene moisturiser at the beauty & drugstore like Guardian, Watson or Century. They also sell it at groceries store like Papaya, Ranch Market, Foodhall, Lotte Mart, etc. For me, the best way to buy it is at ecommerce like Perfect Beauty