Have you read my previous post about Beauty Bound Asia National Finalist in Jakarta. As I promised, here is the unboxing goodie bag post. I got a big goodie bag contains a lot of skin care products from a big brand from Japan. Check out more below!
Di goodie bag-nya ada tulisan "Jangan dibuka sampai kamu di Rumah!" jadi biar surprise banget gitu. Kali ini juga kemasannya ada kotaknya. Bagus banget lho desain kotaknya, suka deh.
There is a sticker which said "Don't open until you're home!" Inside it there is a heavy black box with pretty design.
Daripada penasaran, langsung aja yuk nonton video unboxing-nya di bawah ini.
Check out the unboxing video below!
Wah, aku bener-bener seneng banget bisa dapat banyak produk skin care dari SK-II. Sampai saat ini udah coba clear lotion, FTE dan Mid-Day & Mid-Night Essences.
I'm so happy guys! Look at the skin care products from SK-II, awesome right? From the first unboxing, I got clear lotion, FTE and Mid-Day & Mid-Night Essences.
Gimana menurutmu, seru banget kan unboxing goodie bag dari Beauty Bound Asia? Kira-kira yag mana nih yang harus aku coba dan review duluan?
So, what do you think? Which one should I try first to make a review post?