Imaginary Friend

Blog berisi review makeup & skin care dan juga pengalaman traveling ke Jepang, Singapore, dll.

Halo semuanya! Aku balik lagi nih dengan makeup tutorial. Kali ini udah banyak di request sama beberapa orang, yaitu makeup ke pesta pernikahan alias kondangan. Ikutin langkah-langkahnya di bawah ini ya.

Hello everyone! I'm back with another makeup tutorial. This simple wedding party look is created because I got some request from you guys. So, make sure to check out the tutorial below.

Untuk tampilan makeup ini aku pertama kalinya coba BB Cream dari Wardah. Warnanya lumayan cocok dikulitku tapi sayangnya setelah beberapa lama warnanya jadi kusam.

I tried to use Wardah BB Cream which I recently bought. Unfortunately, after it oxidize the color turn make my skin looks dull.

Kemudian aku menggunakan cream blush dari DAISO, kamu bisa baca reviewnya di sini. Lalu dilanjutkan dengan penggunaan bedak tabur dari Holika Holika. Kamu juga bisa baca reviewnya di sini. 

After I use the BB Cream, I put cream blusher from DAISO on my cheeks. I love this blush so much, make sure to read the review. After that, I set my face with loose powder fro Holika Holika. This powder has a nice texture. Check out the review here.

Setelah itu rapihkan alis menggunakan pensil alis. Lalu memulas 3 warna eyeshadow di kelopak mata. Kemudian menggunakan eyeliner pencil favoritku dari MakeOver, baca juga reviewnya ya. Untuk lebih jelasnya, yuk tonton video di bawah ini.

And we can move to the eye makeup. First, define the eyebrows and apply eyeshadow on the eyelids. It's a bit difficult to explain by written down, so make sure to watch the video below :)


I personally tested every product and give my very honest opinion based on my personal experienced. I put additional disclaimer in each sponsored post.

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