Imaginary Friend

Blog berisi review makeup & skin care dan juga pengalaman traveling ke Jepang, Singapore, dll.

Jangan bosen ya baca review lip tint di blog ini, hehe.. Soalnya daripada lipstick aku lebih suka pakai lip tint. Alasannya terlihat lebih natural dan kemasannya lucu-lucu. Seperti produk kolaborasi Mighty Atom x Tony Moly. Selain beli Mighty Atom CC Cushion, aku juga beli Liptone Gel It Tint ini.

So, Today I got a lip tint review again. Hopefully you won't get bored of lip tint review. Since, I prefer wear a lip tint than a lipstick. But anyway, I bought this cute Mighty Atom X Tony Moly Liptone Gel It Tint.

Alasan bukan hanya karena kemasannya yang lucu, tapi aku nonton video Sunny di Youtube, kalau lip tint ini bagus. Jadinya aku penasaran deh.

Hands down to the cute packaging. I love Atom or Astro boy! But, that's not the only reason I bought it. I once watch a video on Youtube by Sunny. She said that this liptint is nice and recommended.

Teksturnya benar-benar seperti gel dan lembut banget saat dipoles ke bibir. Sama sekali gak membuat bibir kering malah jadi lembab. Rasanya seperti pakai lip balm tapi gak lengket. Selain itu warnanya bagus. Aku pilih warna pink dan keluar banget warnanya di bibirku.

So far it has the best texture among other lip tints that I have. It glides so smooth on my lips. The gel texture feels so good. I also like how the color looks like on my lips.

Lip tint ini juga tahan lama, aku pakai makan dan minum gak langsung hilang. Jadi recommended banget deh! Untuk harganya sedikit lebih mahal sedikit dari kemasan biasanya, yang aku tahu kalau yang bukan kolabolasi dengan Atom, harganya di bawah Rp.100.000,- Kalau yang ini aku beli Rp.120.000,- di GleamUp store. Baca juga review The Face Shop Ink Liquid.

The lip tint stays longer on my lips too, so I have to recommend this product to everyone! The price is a little bit higher than other lip tint, maybe because of the packaging. It cost about $9 while the original packaging is just about $6. I got mine from GleamUp store. Don't forget to read The Face Shop Ink Liquid review.


I personally tested every product and give my very honest opinion based on my personal experienced. I put additional disclaimer in each sponsored post.

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